The Oklahoma Clothesline

My Grandma Helen had a special way of doing so many tasks in life. For example, laundry might be drudgery to some; but my Grandmas, like everything else they did, somehow elevated a task as an opportunity to shine. And also an opportunity to teach. Handwashing was one of those special ways.

Grandma Helen always aspired for good quality, in her cooking, in her cleaning, her clothing, or just a daily task. And if you are going to spend a little extra time or money to get higher quality, then by all means, please take care of it. Well, that meant handwashing! Washing machines in her time were not what they are today with every setting imaginable. So, of course, getting out her Stanley Aquilaun cold water wash (which she sold and loved), and heading to the kitchen sink with her delicates was a way of life for her. I can still see her hands so expertly work those suds through her clothes. It impressed me as a child! It is going that extra mile, taking that special care, respecting even a piece of clothing. There was definitely a right and wrong way to do it. And her hands were not afraid of hard work. Her handwashing method was a work of art!

My mom inherited that same art form. When she stayed with me after my babies were born, almost the instant those baby clothes were soiled (and wow!, there were a lot), my Mom’s beautiful hands would be lovingly handwashing each precious piece of clothing. Also expertly working the creamy suds through the clothing and wringing out water without twisting. Then roll them up in a towel to absorb the excess water and hang out on a collapsible wooden clothes dryer. Job well done! Mom would tell me to have my dishpan of water ready with Aquilaun and put the baby clothes right in to soak. Getting a head start! They were always guiding me to already proven ways to make my life easier and more rewarding. No two ways about it – it is a rewarding feeling! And I have never gone wrong following the wisdom of my Grandmas and Mom.

Well my current washing machine has settings like delicates, very delicate, very very delicate(ha)! But I still hand wash special items. Stains that seem impossible are a challenge. But, I know my Grandmas would be proud to know I had rescued that piece of clothing to see another school day for my children and now my grandchildren. When I am working those suds delicately and thoughtfully through those clothes, I am so very proud to carry on this very special artform. Another way I carry on and hand down, with respect, the lessons of my Grandmas!

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