The Oklahoma Clothesline

Grandma's Wisdom

Quilts with a purpose

My Grandma Essie was the quilt maker. Many a time when you walked through her back door in Muskogee, she was sitting in her chair with fabric in her lap. Her precious hands made more quilts than I would venture to guess and Grandma made those quilts for her family. When I was growing up, when you opened up a

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Grandma's Wisdom

Oklahoma Recycle at its best!

My Grandma Essie did not know about the modern "recycle" programs, and yet she was great at recycling! As a kid, growing out of clothes is a regular occurrence. But our clothes were "repurposed", as they call it today, not thrown away. Mom packed up our clothes in Crest Foods grocery sacks and took them to Grandma in Muskogee. She

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Grandma's Wisdom

Grandma’s Wisdom – “Jennie, it is a warm day, be sure and hang out your clothes on the clothesline!”

I burst with pride and overflowing gratitude when I think of both of my Grandmas and the wisdom they handed down. These women were born and raised in Oklahoma. Both lived through The Great Depression, both lived through the The Dust Bowl, both lived during both World Wars. So both were raised through times that strengthened their character and developed

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